Why do you need a Facebook fan page?

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I have to admit that it was a long time before I even had any presence on Facebook, let alone a fan page and I frequently asked myself the question, “Why do you need a Facebook fan page?”

I eventually saw the light and today I am going to share with you the one reason why I believe you need to have a Facebook fan page for your business.

If you want to reach more potential clients via the internet you really have to be on Facebook because it is the 2nd most trafficked website next to Google therefore your Facebook page will be indexed faster on Google and other search engines. Also, Facebook is the largest social networking site on the web so it is a safe bet that a few of your ideal clients are hanging out there and since a fan page is indexed it is  therefore more findable on the web by Google etc.

If you are completely new to Facebook like I was, don’t worry.  It really isn’t difficult and Facebook provides easy to  follow, step by step information on how to set up a fan page – just take your time to go through it (and you can always contact me if you need any help).

The great thing about Facebook is that every time you comment, tag or say you like something you get more visibility and the opportunity to attract more potential clients and if people comment or like your posts on Facebook, their actions are visible to their friends so the more you interact with people, the more visible you are to their connections.

As with most things, you do need to spend some time and effort to make it work. You have to engage, chat, post, give, be useful and build relationships but it really only takes  5 – 10 minutes every day to bring in results in the long term.

Don’t forget to promote your page.  Blog about it, tell people, add a link to your email signature, and add a fan box widget to your blog or website for example.

And once you have set up your page, be sure to add a link to it as a comment below then click on the link to my fan
page https://www.facebook.com/powertochange.eu and if you like what you see, click on the ‘like’ button and I’ll ‘like’ your fan page in return.

I look forward to connecting with you on Facebook!


I am a Certified Advanced Resume Writer, Employment Interview Consultant, and Career Coach and it is my aim to help ambitious and motivated people like you become fully empowered to get the job you want.