by theinspirationalcoach@power-to-change | Apr 27, 2011 | career success
I can’t believe that April is almost over. I have just returned from a few days away over the Easter break and feel full of energy after hill walking in France. And it’s just as well that my batteries are recharged as I have a lot of work to do in...
by theinspirationalcoach@power-to-change | Mar 30, 2011 | career success
Over the last few days we have had some amazing weather. The sun has been shining, the sky an uplifting shade of blue and even the temperature has started to rise. As a result, I dragged my kids out for a walk (I try to convince myself that they actually enloy it...
by theinspirationalcoach@power-to-change | Mar 23, 2011 | career success
Remember my 3 secrets to having more confidence? What you are focusing on The way you are moving and using your body The language you are using Today we will look at how the language you are using affects your confidence. When I revealed Secret No. 1, I introduced you...
by theinspirationalcoach@power-to-change | Mar 21, 2011 | career success, interview tips
Remember my 3 secrets to having more confidence? What you are focusing on The way you are moving and using your body The language you are using Today I want to show you how the way you move and use your body affects you confidence. It’s actually very basic, the fewer...
by theinspirationalcoach@power-to-change | Mar 16, 2011 | career success, interview tips
Do you often ask yourself that question? Have you ever noticed those people around you who always appear to be really confident – you know, those people who everything seems to go right for? Have you ever asked yourself why these confident people seem to be...