by Anne | May 30, 2012 | career success, CV tips
At the core of your marketing strategy you must have defined your unique selling proposition or USP. So what is a USP? In my view it is what you do that gives you a competitive advantage. The example that springs quickest to mind (being a lover of all things...
by Anne | May 23, 2012 | business tips
This week I was at a networking event where the organiser promoted the sponsor of the event by having a prize draw using the business cards of all the attendees with the prize being a free product/service. This was not only a great way to increase awareness of the...
by Anne | Oct 28, 2011 | business tips
There is a lot of mixed evidence and advice over advertising and how effective a marketing strategy it is. My view is that it plays a very important role if you have a product to sell. The reason is that a product is tangible so you can see it, feel it and in some...
by Anne | Oct 28, 2011 | business tips
I am always looking at ways to grow my business and that includes looking at how to get more clients. I thought that if I could come up with the answer then not only would that benefit my business but it would also benefit many of my clients. There is so much...
by Anne | Oct 28, 2011 | business tips
My recent blog post, ‘Does social media bring you clients?’ resulted in some really interesting discussions within may of my networking groups which was just what I’d hoped for! I was keen for small business owners to see the results of the survey carried out by...