Over the last few days we have had some amazing weather. The sun has been shining, the sky an uplifting shade of blue and even the temperature has started to rise. As a result, I dragged my kids out for a walk (I try to convince myself that they actually enloy it once they are out!) and this is just one (though perhaps not the best) of the many photos my son took.
It’s amazing the energy you can get from days like these. It got me thinking that I’d like to either pick up an old hobby or start something completely new. I just need to figure out what!
It’s also days like these that make me sit back and take a look at what is going on around me. The garden is in need of attention but still the bulbs are all starting to flower and the birds seem to have a definate purpose about them as they dart about. In fact I had just started to daydream when my computer beeped with a new message asking if Jane and I would be running our Your Future workshop any time soon. Talk about coincidence as we had just been talking about it last week and decided it was time we dusted it down and gave it an airing.
So perhaps I am not the only one who sees the better weather as I time to make positive changes or start something new!