Today I’d like to introduce you to an artist who I met not long after moving to Bergen and who has an amazing talent of mixing fantasy with reality. The following is her story of why she is following her passion.
“Hello, my name is Sylvia Gerritsma and I’m an artist. I love to work with oil paint a camera and Photoshop. I do this every day and it makes my life feel complete. I live with my husband and three children, who are my biggest inspiration. I love teaching children how to use their creativity and I do this every Friday at the European school. (Want to see the art work from the children? Go to the facebook Kunst van Sylvia that’s where I post all the photo’s of their work.)
My biggest challenge in life is to improve myself each time and to appreciate the small things in life. In the future I hope I can be as creative and free as I am now. One thing I wished I’d known before is how much I like painting so I could have started a long time ago. Painting for me is very relaxing and up until now it’s going very smoothly, so I enjoy every single moment of it! My work is a mix of realistic and surrealistic. It’s my fantasy with a bit of reality in it. My advice to everyone is to follow your heart in every single thing what you want to do. If you can’t live from it financially (like me) do it in your spare time and never give up!”
Now that you’ve read about Sylvia please take time to view her work by clicking on this link to her website Or better still, if you are in the area you can see her work during the kunsttiendaagse in Bergen where you can find her in “Boetiek STIJL” (Dorpstraat 10).