How to use a blog to drive traffic to your website

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Today it is hot and sunny (which makes a welcome change here in the Netherlands!) but before I head for the beach, I just want to share 2 tips on how to use a blog to drive traffic to your website with you.

So how do people find blogs? Well, it’s just the same way they find anything else on the internet, by doing a search. Every time you publish a blog post a web page is created. If you’re using the key words you want to be found on and your content answers the question someone types in the search box, your post may show up in the search results page, and it may also be found through links on social media sites.

The most important element on your blog post is the headline, or title, because it is usually the first thing a reader sees, whether it’s on your site, in an email update, a feed reader or a status update on twitter or Facebook so you need to make sure that it is powerful, so that it grabs people’s attention, as well as being keyword-rich. It must also make sense and be consistent with what you’re writing about because it is how the search engines determine the primary subject of the page.  This is where you have to be careful because people will be annoyed if your article isn’t about what the headline promises!

When you write your headlines using your strategic keywords you need to put yourself in the shoes of your reader; how will they find you?

Tip No. 1: Make a list of all the different ways they could search for you – all the different keywords and keyword phrases that they may use. Then, craft your headlines (and posts) using those keywords.

Of course, once you have a great headline, you have got to follow it with great text that holds the reader’s attention so that they want to subscribe to your site to read more of your posts.

Tip No. 2: You’ve spent all this time creating great content for you blog but what now?  The thing is that a blog will not reach everyone so you need to look at other ways to get all this good information out there for more people to find and get them clicking through to your website.  There are several ways in which you can take a blog post and re-purpose it and ere are just a few examples:

  1. Have your blog sent automatically to twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
  2. Convert to pdf and submit to document sharing sites
  3. Create a slide show and post to slide sharing sites.
  4. Convert slide show to video and distribute to video sites
  5. etc

If this seems overwhelming, just think how much time it takes to create one piece of content that gets posted in one place. By re-purposing select pieces of content, you leverage your time and reach far more people!

I hope that you are enjoying your summer but please take a moment to add your top 2 blogging tips as a comment below.


I am a Certified Advanced Resume Writer, Employment Interview Consultant, and Career Coach and it is my aim to help ambitious and motivated people like you become fully empowered to get the job you want.