How to achieve your goals

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Last Saturday saw the launch of the book ‘Your Future’ which I co-wrote with Jane Stephenson.  It was a great evening which
brought closure on our goal of writing and publishing our first book together and we are now ready to start working on the follow up goal to this which involves marketing and selling the book.

This, along with a few other things that have been keeping me pretty busy lately, got me thinking about the fact that I haven’t properly reviewed the goals which I had set myself earlier in the year.  As I said in my blog post at the time , the best way to get you started working on your goals is to tell someone about them so since I did that, I thought it is only right that I share the findings of my review with you!

  • Do a 3 day detox 4 times a year and take regular exercise
    Not a good one to start with as this isn’t happening at the moment!  I started off really well and then injured my back which meant I couldn’t do any sport for a couple of months so that is a genuine reason.  I have also been very tied up in trying to meet my other goals and commitments which hasn’t left me much time for ‘me’ but this is more of an excuse I think.  When working towards your goals, sometimes things happen that are outwith your control and this can result in you not being able to meet your goal within your timeframe and that is ok.  It is not something to beat yourself up about so long as you reveiw where you are and get back to taking action and that is where I am.  I am now able to exercise again so I am going to make myself a plan of action with some milestones and start moving towards achieving this goal.  No more excuses that I
    am too busy!
  • Double my online visibility by the end of September – This one I am well on the way to achieving as I have completed an online visibility course which has resulted in a big increase in the number of visitors to my website and blog. Having spent a lot of time working on this, I hope to be able to bring you a lot of hints and tips on how to increase your visibility online in the near future.  The next step is a complete overhall of my website which will also follow later this year – as one goal is finished, celebrate and then start planning the next!
  • Double my number of clients by the end of the year and only work 20 hours a week – This one is very interesting because we are only half way throught the year and already I have doubled my number of clients which
    confirms that what I learnt on my online visibility course does work!  I now have to revise the first part of this goal  and work on my time management for the second part as I am still working on average more than 20 hours per week. Be
    prepared to revise your goals and challenge yourself a bit more.
  • Run at least 5 workshops, including at least one new one, by August – yes to the first part, I have run 5 workshops already this year however, the new one is still in the development phase and will be launched later in the year.  This is another important aspect of goal setting, sometimes you have to be prepared to move the end date and not see it as a sign of failure.  (From the autumn, Jane and I will be bringing you our workshops under our new joint venture, 2MotivatingMninds, which we have been very busy with and this has contributed to the delay in developing a new workshop!)
  • Sit my NT2 niveau 2 exam (Dutch as a second language) by JulyACHIEVED! ok so I only completed it yesterday but I have a huge scense of achievement on this one.  I have no idea if I have passed or not and won’t know for sometime but then passing (although I really want to) was not part of my origial goal!  I am still thinking about how to celebrate
    this one so just add a comment if you have any suggestions.

This has been a great exercise for me to do and if you have set yourself goals please don’t forget to review their status every so often.  So I haven’t achieved everything I set out to do but I don’t feel bad about it because I can also see what I have achieved which is a great confidence boost.  And I have published a book at the same time!

What I hope this has shown you is how much you can achieve by setting yourself goals. And if you need any help with your goals, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


I am a Certified Advanced Resume Writer, Employment Interview Consultant, and Career Coach and it is my aim to help ambitious and motivated people like you become fully empowered to get the job you want.