Dress for success!
While appearances shouldn’t matter it is a well known fact that unfortunately they do, particularly in an interview situation where the first few minutes really count as this is when you can make a critical first impression!
Think about the way a successful person doing the type of job you are being interviewed for would dress – even if you know that the majority of employees go to work casually dressed, that does not mean you should turn up for an interview in the same way.
Remember that as soon as the interviewer sees you they will immediately create a first impression of you based on how you look and what you are wearing – make sure their initial judgement of you is a good one!
© Anne Galloway
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Anne Galloway is the Careers Consultant for those who want to put the fun and passion back into their working week. Find out how Anne can help you along your path to career success at www.power-to-change.eu