Does your work inspire you

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When thinking about applying for a new job, what is the first thing you consider?


  • Are my skills a good match?
  • Do I have the experience they are looking for?
  • Does it fit with my career plan?
  • Does it pay well?

More and more people tell me that they want a job that is meaningful, one that inspires them to get up for work on a Monday morning.

The best way to find such a job is to begin by researching the type of company you want to work for. By checking out the company’s mission statement you can get an idea of whether or not you will live be inspired to get up for work  every day.

Analyse what makes work meaningful to you, what would inspire you to go to work. You may be surprised to find that your answer has little or nothing to do with the amount of money you earn (I’m not saying that salary is not important, rather that there are other things which make your job more meaningful and inspiring). Everyone is different so what makes a job meaningful for you may not make it meaningful for someone else.

What makes a job meaningful depends on your life goals, values, beliefs and aspirations. For example, if your goal is to be continually learning and developing, you are unlikely to find a repetitive and highly structured job very meaningful.

The great thing is that if you want a job that is meaningful, you don’t have to restrict yourself to non profit organisations. Many companies are now doing things that will give you the chance to be part of something big or to get the feeling that you are giving something back to society and/or the environment.

And before going off to look for a more ‘meaningful’ job, take a look to see who benefits from your company’s products/services as you might be surprised to find that your current role is more meaningful than you thought.


© Anne Galloway

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Anne Galloway is the Careers Consultant & Certified Advanced Resume Writer for those who want to put the fun and passion back into their working week. Find out how Anne can help you along your path to career success at



I am a Certified Advanced Resume Writer, Employment Interview Consultant, and Career Coach and it is my aim to help ambitious and motivated people like you become fully empowered to get the job you want.