Using LinkedIn to get your next job

Are you, like lot’s of others, using LinkedIn to get your next job? As part of your job search, you have probably spent time improving your LinkedIn profile because you’ve heard that it’s the place to find your next job. That may well be true but just how...

Friday job search tip

Dress for success! While appearances shouldn’t matter it is a well known fact that unfortunately they do, particularly in an interview situation where the first few minutes really count as this is when you can make a critical first impression! Think about the...

Friday job search tip

What to do if you have little or no relevant work experience What is important are the skills and experience you have and these do not have to have been gained from relevant paid work experience. You will have learnt a lot form any part-time work that you have done...

Fridays job search tip

Tell Stories to highlight your experience and skills Anyone can say that they have excellent leadership or communication skills so the best way to show the employer what you actually have these skills is to tell a story. When you’re asked questions during a job...

3 steps to a new career in 2015

It is interesting how many people believe that the New Year is the time to reinvent themselves and change career.  Maybe because it’s a time for reflection on what has happened in the last year and a feeling that it is the time for a new start. If this is you then I...

Fridays job search tip

Your CV isn’t your life story Your CV should be a maximum of 3 pages, preferably only 2. This means that if you have had a lot of work experience you do not need to include it all. The best advice is to only include your experience over the last 10 years as...