Do you feel unhappy at work but just can’t seem to do anything about it? Do you hate Monday mornings and wish you could find a career that filled you with energy so that you can put the fun and passion back in to your working week?
The thing is that if you want a different career, one that you can be successful and happy in, then you have to put an end to the procrastination and start taking action and here are 7 tips to help you do just that!
1. What is your career goal?
If you really hate your current job and are continually moaning to others around you about how bad it is, then it really is time to make a real commitment to yourself to take action and make the change. One of the key reasons people fail to achieve their goals is their lack of commitment. Unless you truly want something different to happen you will never achieve what you set out to. It can be a lot of work changing career and unless your heart is completely in it, you might as well not bother. Once you are committed to making a change and start taking relevant action, then you are far more likely to be successful.
2. There is no such thing as an “ideal” job
In the current economic climate some people may tell you to think yourself lucky that you have a job and there is no such thing as an “ideal” job because why should you deserve something better; something better just isn’t possible. I totally disagree with this – you always have options and when you spend on average 1/3 of your life working, don’t you think you should be spending that time doing something you enjoy? Take time out to really think about what you enjoy doing or would like to do; what are your values? What kind of people do you like working with? What things really make you feel energized? Start writing down you answers and see what comes up. If you are really struggling, try taking the MAPP test and see what it suggests.
3. Stop Telling Yourself You Are Too Old For A Career Change
This is one I hear frequently however, it is actually never too late to change career, so long as you have a structured and well-thought through plan to support you. Of course, some recruiters may be looking for someone younger but just think about all the experience you have to offer. Think for a moment, are you just using your age as an excuse to protect yourself from possible rejection? You will never know if you don’t try!
4. Who can help?
Once you have an idea of what you would like to do, start looking around for people who might be able to help you and provide more information on jobs that you are interested in. Research potential career areas in as much depth as possible to make sure that they fit with your values and passion.
5. What experience/qualifications are required
Once you have a better idea of what you would like to do, start researching the entry qualifications and/or experience required then match this to your transferable skills. If you do not have all the required qualifications or experience, do not use that as an excuse not to go after your
chosen career. Instead, look at ways in which you can get the qualifications and experience. If further study is required, think about what impact it may have on your time scales and budget, is it possible to study part-time for example. Just try to remain flexible and view all the options.
6. Write your career Goal then break it down
Set yourself a clear goal with a deadline as this gives you something to aim for and shows that you are committed to making the change. Your goal should state why you want to achieve it because if you have a big enough ‘why’ then you will find the ‘how’. Your goal may seem big and perhaps even scary but if you break it down into bite size chunks, or action steps, that are more manageable then every action step that you tick off will take you another step closer to achieving your goal.
7. Keep positive
When looking to change career, you may feel like you are taking a journey into the unknown and try to talk yourself out of it. If that little voice inside your head starts making loud negative comments. Try and find ways to remove the ‘what ifs’ and put yourself back in the driving seat.
If you would like some help setting your career goal or figuring out the right career for you, please get in touch