7 Tips to a winning CV and motivation letter

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Did you know that:

  •  85% of CVs go in the bin without ever being read?
  • When a recruiter is reviewing CVs, they will have a ‘yes’ pile and a ‘no’ pile and it is likely that they will have decided which pile to put your CV in before they reach the end of the first page?
  • The key purpose of a covering letter is to get your CV read and to get you an interview; therefore it has to be even better than the first page of your CV?

It was after reading this that I decided that this months edition of the Inspirational Toolkit should contain my top 7 tips to writing a winning CV and motivation letter.  To find out what they are just click on the link, issue 16 – 7 tips to writing a winning cv

Please feel free to comment and share your CV tips below.



I am a Certified Advanced Resume Writer, Employment Interview Consultant, and Career Coach and it is my aim to help ambitious and motivated people like you become fully empowered to get the job you want.