What achievement in your life are you most proud of?
If you have come to the interview well prepared, this question should be easy for you to answer in a relaxed and positive way. Everyone has achieved something in their life and no matter how small you think your achievement is, this question helps to show what motivates you as well as the type of things you are passionate about.
The best way to answer this question is to start by saying what the achievement was for example:
- a charity parachute jump, or
- completing a major project on time and within budget (quantify results if possible).
Then go on to explain why it is such an important achievement for you:
- you have an innate fear of heights, or
- it was the first time you had project managed such an important task.
Finally explain the challenges you had to overcome and the skills you used to make this an achievement:
- Persistence, determination and the desire to push yourself beyond your comfort zones in order to help the charity. This shows that when you are passionate about something you can take on a challenge and see it through to completion.
- Strong analytical and problem solving skills enabled you to overcome challenge X while excellent communication and mentoring skills contributed to mutual respect within, and successful leadership of, your team .This shows that you are motivate to get results.
And end by relating the skills you used to the requirements for this particular job.
Providing examples like this makes it easier for you to talk about your achievement in a way that does not appear to be bragging or boasting and is a great way for you to provide evidence that highlights your skills.
If you would like help preparing for an interview please contact us.