I’m always reading new up on the latest career tools, constantly on the lookout for new ideas to help my clients with their job search. This week I was speaking to a colleague in London who asked me if I’d ever read the book Pick Your Job – And Land It! I sheepishly replied that I hadn’t and asked if it was new.
The answer he gave really surprised me as it is actually the oldest job-hunting book still in existence, originally published in 1938! This led to a lengthy discussion about the book and about the similarities and differences between the way things were done then and how they are now.
As a consequence, I have decided to share with you 13 steps to a successful job hunt – much of which derives from this book, which although written after the Great Depression and before the Second World War, is still applicable to day.
- You need to begin with a clear idea of the type of work you are interested in and set yourself a goal.
- Carry out informal interviews with people who are already doing the type of work you are interested in so that you can find out more about the skills and personal qualities required to be successful in that role.
- Self-check to make sure that you have those skills and qualities you identified above and back it up with examples that prove you have those skills and qualities.
- Monitor and record everything that you find out about the type of jobs/fields you are interested in.
- Try and identify and communicate your hidden skills and achievements – many of us are blind to our own accomplishments.
- Discover what makes you different by examining how you have worked in the past.
- Search for any unusual methods that you have used successfully at work.
- Evaluate and research the companies you would like to work for so you know as much about them and their products/services as possible.
- During a job interview, try and find out what challenges the hiring manager/the company is facing and show how you can help to solve them.
- Back up everything you state you have to offer with an example that shows your talents in action.
- Demonstrate that you are interested in the company and its products/services during the interview.
- Be specific about what you want and what you have to offer.
- End the interview with a strong close by showing what makes you different from the other applicants.
13 may be an unlucky number for some but I can guarantee that by following these 13 steps, you will greatly increase your chances of getting the job you want.
© Anne Galloway
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Anne Galloway is the Careers Consultant for those who want to put the fun and passion back into their working week. Find out how Anne can help you along your path to career success at www.power-to-change.eu